Kierra’s Story

Read Kierra’s PCOS Story

I found out I had PCOS when I was 15 years old. I had to get some tests on my ovaries and then they saw that there were cysts there. And then they also did blood work that determined I had thyroid deficiencies and different imbalances that were markers of having PCOS.  I feel like I’m in a good place, but I’ll still have weeks where I’m just really bloated or like my last period was like 13 days. And that just really takes a toll on you because you feel like “I’m doing so much stuff and it’s not working.” You really have to just take it like week by week, sometimes day by day. I would say to be patient and gentle with yourself because there’s going to be like a big stigma around it, where people think that you can just cure it. But you have to understand that it’s such a unique diagnosis that, you know, you’re going to have to figure out what works for your body. What works for someone else might not even work for you. So that’s why you have to kind of build that new relationship with yourself and listen to your body. PCOS is to me, a superpower, because you’ve just become and you are such a strong person for being able to go through that every day and still be happy and crush whatever goals you want to crush.

– Kierra
PCOS Patient

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