Taryn’s Story

Read Taryn’s PCOS Story


My name is Taryn and I am a woman in Canada living with PCOS. My most bothersome symptom is definitely the unwanted hair growth on my face, also known as hirsutism. It was one of the first symptoms that actually lead to my diagnosis of PCOS and sadly it’s one of the ones that takes the longest to go away. It really effects my self-esteem, and it also leads to stubborn acne, so I’ve really had to trust in the process as I’ve made some very gradual changes to my diet and lifestyle over the years to try and combat this. I’ve noticed that working with some supplements and focusing on an anti-inflammatory diet and keeping active has definitely helped to slow the hair growth. I’ve also saved up for laser hair removal, which sadly isn’t permanent either, so really maintaining those diet and lifestyle habits is super important for keeping the hair growth at a minimum and keeping my skin nice and clear.


My name is Taryn and I am a woman in Canada living with PCOS. When I first was diagnosed with PCOS I started working with a naturopath to try to treat the root causes of my symptoms using a combination of supplements and lab testing to see what was working. One of the most impactful supplements I started taking was definitely inositol. It’s been a very gradual process over the last 6 years that I’ve slowly tried new supplements. But before all of that, my main focus is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. So focussing on healthy snacks, whole foods and maintaining and active lifestyle, that’s sort of my baseline and then all of the supplements come on top of that. My cycles were super irregular when I was first diagnosed so I started using a symptom tracker. And now I can look back and see that all of those changes that I’ve gradually made over the years and how impactful they’ve been. My cycles have become regulated, all of my symptoms continue to improve and it’s super encouraging. It is a but overwhelming knowing that maintaining all of this is the reality of living with PCOS but knowing that I have the power to make changes in my body and see the lab results to prove that is super encouraging and motivating and keeps me going even on the hard days.

– Taryn
PCOS Patient

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