Fertility and PCOS

Dre. Karen Desrosiers

If a patient doesn’t have regular ovulations, they usually have trouble to get pregnant. So, they have fertility issues. But with fertility issues, there’s also an increased risk of complications during pregnancy. One way to prevent those complications is to maximize your health before pregnancy. It means no smoking or vaping. Decrease alcohol consumption, decrease your weight, have a normal blood pressure having your lipid checked, and be normalized, having your glucose checked again and having it normal, having a good sleep hygiene and good mental health. Many medications are okay in pregnancy, and we know as a fact that if you stop medication and your mental health is not stable, it’ll increase even more complications of pregnancy. So before you get pregnant, it’s really important to talk to your health care provider to make sure you optimize your health, but also to discuss with you, folic acid and the dose that is recommended for you and to check immunizations before you get pregnant.

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